" C'mon, dreamcatcher take away all those nightmares, cause I can't take it no more "
Hello, I'm finally posting. :) Jogathon was yesterday, met Weixuan at Mac. Then ate hotcakes, like within 3 minutes plus, the teacher was rushing us. Had stomach ache during the whole Jogathon, "Thank you aye, MAC.D" :) Hahah! I'm still in the whole " I MISS 2010 " mood, I really do miss 2010 a lot. My class, Sec 2's camp, and Sec 2's life. Everything! And the class outing \m/ C'mon, make another one!!!! This post is going to be short, because LEEJIAYI's online, I'm going to talk crazy with herrrrrr! <3 I miss her. :) Okay, bye! Remember my formspring, it's dying for questions! :)